Friday, December 31, 2010


Salam Dan Selamat Sejahtera.

1. Tahun 2011 akan tiba tidak lama lagi.Sudahkah anda mempunyai azam baru?.Jika belum,disini saya cadangkan untuk meyimpan emas 1 dinar sebulan.

2. Marilah bersama-sama tanamkan sifat suka menabung.Menabung dalam bentuk emas 1 dinar banyak kelebihannya.

3. Katakan anda dapat simpan 1 dinar emas sebulan,selepas setahun iaitu 12 bulan,anda telah ada 12 dinar emas...agak-agak berapa nilai emas 12 dinar itu?.Emas ni memberikan kenaikan 20-30% setahun.

4. Kenapa perlu menabung dalam bentuk emas fizikal?.Mudah saja,Jika anda simpan wang fiat RM600 sebulan ,selepas setahun anda cuma ada RM7200.

5. Anda kena buat kira-kira sedikit untuk dapat lebih kepuasan berkenaan perbezaan nilai,diantara menabung dalam emas dan wang fiat.

Sekian dari penulis.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Nine main reasons to push gold, and silver, higher and higher

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Gold at $1,500 perhaps this year, and $2,000, $3,000, or even $5,000 in the years ahead - and silver outperforming gold are Jeff Nichols' conclusions in a recent speech in Thailand.
Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted:  Wednesday , 15 Sep 2010


Gold expert Jeff Nichols, in a speech last week in Bangkok, Thailand, put forward nine main reasons for gold to rise and continue to rise in the short, medium and long term before, eventually,  the bull market will end and the bears may have their day - but he sees this as a long way off yet.

Nichols reiterated his predictions on the gold price which, in the short term, could even be considered conservative in the light of yesterday's breakthrough to new highs as buying pressure exceeded that of profit-takers and those whose interests may otherwise lie in keeping the gold price down.  He believes, he said, that "before long, we will see gold hit $1500 an ounce - possibly even before the end of this year . . . or during the first half of 2011." And followed with "Not only will prices move substantially higher in the months ahead - but the uptrend still has years to go . . . with gold very likely reaching $2,000 and eventually $3,000 or even $5,000 before the gold-price cycle shifts into reverse."

The nine major points which bring Nichols to this conclusion are as follows:

First, inflationary U.S. monetary and fiscal policies - past, present, and future - along with a recession-like economic performance - a "double dip" or worse for years to come.

Second, Europe's simmering sovereign debt crisis, which has not only undermined the euro's appeal as an official reserve asset . . . but has also pushed the European Central Bank to pursue inflationary monetary policies . . . and has pushed more investors in Europe and around the world to seek the safety of gold.

Third, continuing - if not growing - interest by the official sector. In particular, the central banks of a number of newly industrialized emerging nations are seeking to diversify official reserve assets into dollar alternatives.

Fourth, rising long-term saving, investment, and jewelry demand for gold from China, India, and other gold-friendly nations enjoying healthy growth in business activity and household incomes - growth that is likely to continue at least several years.

Fifth, rising private-sector investment demand in the older industrialized nations reflecting fear of inflation, currency depreciation, and a loss of confidence in governments to deal effectively with today's economic challenges.

Sixth, the continuing maturation of what I call the "gold-investment infrastructure" - in other words, the development of new gold-investment products and channels of distribution in many important geographic markets.

Seventh, the relatively small size of the world gold market compared to other capital markets - such as equities or currencies - so that even small shifts in portfolio preferences away from currencies, or equities, or real estate, for example, may have little price effect on these big markets but will have a relatively large, indeed profound, effect on gold.

Eighth, the recent onset of global food and agricultural inflation.

Ninth, stagnant world gold-mine production for the next five years or longer.

None of these points are particularly controversial.  In-power politicians, who have a vested interest in trying to maintain confidence in their respective economies, may deny the first point, but evidence is out there that the recession will, in reality, end soon.

‘Years to come', of course is open to interpretation and maybe the conclusion implied by Nichols is over-pessimistic, but an investment sector which treats as good news figures which show unemployment still rising towards the worst levels since the Great Depression, but perhaps not rising quite as fast as it has been on what appear to be government-manipulated figures anyway, seems to be living in cloud-cuckoo land!

In his speech, Nichols went on to discuss all these points in detail, to back his conclusions and all his comments are far too comprehensive to cover here, but if you'd like to read the full text it is available on .


As well as discussing gold, Nichols went on to talk about silver which, unlike gold, has still not managed to surpass the $21 an ounce level seen in 2008 before the huge market downturns (although its getting pretty close) - and is still hugely below its $50 all-time high of 1980 when the Hunt Brothers unsuccessfully tried to corner the silver market which makes this an anomalous situation. 

His main conclusion was as follows: "I suspect silver's underperformance has now run its course - and we can expect the white metal to outperform gold over the next five to ten years.

For one thing, a number of new end uses for silver are likely to boost industrial demand while investment demand for silver will continue to (increase due to) many of the same forces benefitting gold."  again to read his full reasoning on his conclusions on silver see his website.

Overall, a pretty bullish presentation.  Maybe over optimistic from the gold and silver investor point of view, but there are plenty of informed commentators out there who feel likewise - and quite a few detractors too. 

The economic scenario painted by Nichols, and as noted above this in itself is not a very controversial view, does suggest that precious metals could be major beneficiaries of a flight from ongoing risk, and turbulence in the currency markets which seems to be even seeing central bankers turning to gold as a reserve asset again - despite a long held feeling, perhaps stemming from Keynes' often misquoted ‘barbarous relic' comment - that it should have no such place in a modern economic system.  But, as witness the present situation they still find it hard to come up with a workable alternative over the long term.
Follow Lawrence Williams on Twitter - 

Gold is Money

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 Public Gold Gold Bar 20gm & 50gm

All of today currencies are fiat currencies. Fiat currency is defines as not represent anything tangible but are only worth something due to government decree (namely legal tender laws). In the book "Principles of Economics" written by N. Gregory mention that Fiat money, such as paper dollars, is money without intrinsic value: It would be worthless if it were not used as money."
"We have gold because we cannot trust Governments."
-          President Herbert Hoover
On the other hand, gold are the currency which not created and controlled by governments. Gold was once the main currency in most of Europe, Asia and Americans for the past few thousand years which up to 1971. Gold which evolved independently as money in the word's main civilization due to the following reasons:
1.  Rare
The amount of mined gold has increased only slowly, rarely more than 2% per year. 
2. Durability
Gold won't rot, break, crumble, decay, corrode or tarnish. Gold is unaffected by air, water, and even most acids.
3.  Compact
If all the gold ever mined were made into a single cube. Its edge would be 20 meters. Not quite enough to cover a single tennis court. (
4.  Divisibility
Easily reshape it, flatten it, and divide it into tiny pieces.
"The modern mind dislikes gold because it blurts out unpleasant truths."
-          Joseph Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)
From 1934 to 1971, government currencies were backed by gold. This defined which at any time, you able to exchange a unit of any of the world's main government currencies for a prescribed amount of gold. For an example, you could exchange 35 US dollar for one ounce of gold. But in 1971, President Richard Nixon abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement, devalued the dollar, raised the fixed price of gold fictitiously to $37.50, and slammed shut the gold window to stop an international run on the U.S. gold reserve. This is when the fiat currency started.
Examples of other fiat currencies include:
1.   Chinese bark currency (notes printed on tree bark, as recorded by Marco Polo), 1260 - 1360. One of the earliest fiat currencies, ended in hyperinflation.
2.   Banque Royale Notes in France, the ‘Mississippi system' (designed by John Law). Issued in 1716. Collapsed worth nothing by 1720.
3.   Continental bills, printed by the US Congress during the American Revolution. Began issue in 1775, shrank to 1/40 of their original value by 1780. Hence the saying ‘not worth a Continental'.
4.   Assignats in France during the French Revolution. Issued 1790-1796, collapsed to 1/600 of their original value by 1797.
5.   Marks in Weimar Germany, after WWI. Issued from 1919 to 1924, collapsed to three trillionths of their original value. This was the currency that was carried in wheelbarrows towards the end. 
Hence from an historical perspective, the only question is how quickly the US dollar loses value, not whether it will continue to lose value. Until the 1971, a US dollar was worth 1/35 of an ounce of gold. But right till today the gold is about 1/1000 of an ounce of gold (

Another example, in Vietnam, gold plays an important role in the purchase of a home. From the moment a buyer and seller agree on a price to the day the paperwork and sale are completed takes a month or longer. During this time, the value of the Vietnamese currency may have fallen sharply, as the current rate of currency depreciation in that country is very rapid. Accordingly, the buyer will arrange financing with a bank not in terms of the Vietnamese dong, but in gold, which holds its value in terms of purchasing power. This arrangement means the buyer will still have enough to pay the agreed price when the sale is consummated (


Sunday, December 26, 2010



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Live Spot Gold & Silver Price

[Most Recent Quotes from]

Carta Harian Emas

Harga Public Gold ( 24 Jam )

(Last updated 26/12/10 3:30 PM)
 We SellWe Buy
20 gramRM 3155.00RM 2966.00
50 gramRM 7850.00RM 7418.00
100 gramRM 15626.00RM 14845.00
250 gram RM 38883.00  RM 37133.00 
(Inclusive all costs, Ex Penang, Malaysia)

Daily Silver Chart

Harga Public Silver ( 24 Jam )

(Last updated 26/12/10 3:30 PM)
 We SellWe Buy
250 gram RM 970.00  RM 825.00 
500 gram RM 1941.00  RM 1650.00 
1 kilogram RM 3882.00  RM 3300.00 
(Inclusive all costs, Ex Penang, Malaysia)

Why Gold is the Best Inflation Hedge-Stand Strong Research

Why Gold is the Best Inflation Hedge

Written by Shaun Connell (Editor)
For thousands of years, the majority of the world's population has considered gold, not monetary specie, the true measure of wealth. While the demand for most precious metals principally arises secondarily to their manufacturing use and industrial application, the demand for gold arises from the desire to accumulate wealth.
In the last few years, governments around the world have spent tens of trillions of dollars in new "paper" money, creating massive amounts of inflation. This has led to many people - such as myself - to flock back to gold in order to protect themselves.
As such, in times of inflation when other indices of wealth are losing value, gold is the safest haven for wealth because the demand for gold will continue to rise. But why is gold seen as the best inflation hedge? 

There are four major reasons:

there's a finite amount of gold, so the supply can't be manipulated, as the supply of paper money can, simply by printing more.


Gold is easily convertible to other currencies.


Gold has been mined since prehistoric eras and in all that time, it has never lost all its value; indeed demand for gold continues to outpace supply in both industrialized and developing countries around the world.


Historically fiat money collapses in on itself in 40 year cycles; the US's current experiment with fiat money began 39 years ago.
Lets examine each of these premises at greater length.

Gold Supply Cannot Be Manipulated
In olden times, kings did try to manipulate the supply of gold by adding lead to the smelting pots, thus creating the first instances of inflation in recorded history. The subterfuge was easily detected, however, by the simple expedient of biting down on a coin: Pure gold is so soft, it will show tooth marks while alloyed gold will not.
Demand for gold around the world is high and growing higher all the time. But gold cannot be created to meet that demand, and there is only a finite amount of it available - unlike, say, paper currencies which can be printed on an "as needed" basis with no greater assurance than a vague promise that next year or the year after that will bring more prosperous times.
Not even the government can arbitrarily increase its supply of gold - they can create paper inflation, but not golden inflation.

Gold Is Easily Convertible
In 1944, at the end of World War II, an international conference was held in at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire that transformed the international monetary system from one based on the gold standard to one based on cooperation and freely convertible currencies.
Through this auspice, gold could be converted into any number of international currencies.
Though the Bretton Woods system of international monetary exchange was effectively ended in 1971 when US President Richard Nixon canceled the convertibility of the US dollar to gold, gold remains such a highly desirable commodity that it can easily be sold abroad in exchange for local currencies.

Gold Has Always Been Considered Valuable
Throughout its long history, gold has always maintained a substantial value. Though the price of gold may fluctuate, it is important to keep in fact that the value of gold is absolute - differentials in the price of gold represent changes in the perception of the relationship between gold and the US dollar (or any other fiat currency) rather than shifts in gold's true worth.
Time after time, gold has reverted to what one might call its true purchasing power against other commodities. Because of this, gold is the most effective preserver of wealth in times of economic instability.

Fiat Money and the 40-Year Cycle
Fiat money - from the Latin for "Let it be done!" - is any currency issued by a government as legal tender. Most national currencies including the dollar, the Euro and all reserve currencies, are fiat currencies, and have been since 1971 when Nixon terminated the conversion of dollars into gold.
Many economists studying the relationship between paper money and gold have noted the existence of a cycle, approximately 40 years long, at the end of which paper money has decreased so much in real value that the economic collapse of a nation is imminent. Historically, each time this happens, there has been a run up in the price of gold.
Economists time the beginning of the current 40-year cycle with Nixon's actions in 1971 - which means that we're nearing the end of the cycle and concomitant collapse of the national economy right now.

Top five popular commodities in India

Published on: December 22, 2010 at 11:50
Commodity Online Research Team
AHMEDABAD (Commodity Online):
Since commodity trading got into India, the volumes of commodity bourses are closely inching towards the capital markets. Indians are new to commodities and hence its nitty-gritties are French to them. But introducing Futures and Options in capital markets reduced this knowledge barrier and slowly and steadily many investors are moving to commodities from equities. Commodity Online has evaluated the top five commodities in Indian in terms of popularity, value and volume. Here are they:

Gold: One of the favourites in Indian sub continent. Addiction with Gold never ceases round the year, whether it is a household woman or a trader with substantial wealth. Gold is one single commodity Indians trust more than their spouse. And believe it or not, the yellow commodity has always been faithful to the owner - much more than many high society individuals to their spouses or dogs to their masters. India is the largest consumer of Gold. If one billion plus population of India had the capacity, they would have built their toilets in Gold. Such is the fascination for Gold that it has become the sole representative of value addition. In advisory business, Gold advisories sell the maximum. Irrespective of the return it gives, traders and investors stick to Gold.

Silver: Known as a poor cousin to Gold, the white super metal has given investors more than what Gold has given. The unprecedented rise of Silver has surprised the pundits but investors in Silver laughed all the way to the bank this year. But pure economics points out that in the last decade, the annual production of Silver has been much less than the annual consumption. Supply and demand scenario has put Silver in high pedestal for investors. The other reason being increased investment demand against the backdrop of uncertain economy and growing fears of higher inflation. In terms of utility, Silver is more precious than Gold as it is used heavily in manufacturing sector. A good conductor of electricity, silver is used to produce batteries, while the anti-bacterial properties of silver ions are often employed to make water purifiers. It is also used in the production of photovoltaic cells, the most common type of solar cells and even in Jet engines. The once famous model, Zen from Maruti stable, used a silver engine - that gave more efficiency than any other engines. Silver is suddenly the darling of investors.

Copper: The first metal man extracted from earth was more used in utensils in ancient era before ceramic and stainless steel plates were introduced. Due to its wide variety of usage, it is one of the most versatile and volatile commodities traded in the commodity exchanges. Copper is more traded by the business community to hedge their positions. More than 16 per cent of total Copper available is used for building wire followed by plumbing and heating. It is also used in automative industry, electrical, air conditioning & commercial refrigeration, electronics and various other uses. The copper usage has increased to such an extent that thirty years ago a car used about 35 pounds of copper as against 50 to 80 pounds of copper now. Imagine even a Boeing 727 airplane uses 9,000 pounds of copper.

Crude: One of the most essential commodities in today's world. Crude ditched thousands of investors when the prices nosedived from over $147 a barrel in July 2008 to less than 34 in Jan 2009. Many investors went bankrupt and in India, many are said to have taken the extreme step of killing themselves after seeing their wealth melt like ice. Why this happened is something that OPEC, the Crude price controlling authority should answer. But the fact that speculators in tandem with OPEC made the price extraordinary and unrealistically high, was one major reason. Prices just exploded in a natural progression of demand and supply. Some earned while a majority lost their trust in Crude. Thereafter, many in India turned to Gold as a safe investment haven. But being a commodity without which the world cant move, Crude is still in the top five.

Zinc: Not everyone knows that Zinc is found everywhere in daily life, in every cell of the human body, in the earth, in the food we eat and in products we use daily whether it is vehicles appliances, or food we eat. For industry it is a corrosion resistant metal. But for a trader, it is yet another commodity used to gain wealth. According to Portugal-based International Lead and Zinc study group Zinc production declined by 44% to 166,000 tonnes in the first eight months of 2010. But its inventories piled up resulting in more than 11% drop in prices at MCX.



Ramai orang gembira tengok dividen ASB dah di umumkan harini....alhamdulillah......sebab tu best kalau simpan ASB...dapat pasif income 7.5% dan bonus 1.25%....

gambar tahun lepas...macam sama jer....hehehehe

ada 200k? dapat la RM15k++....lepas dah buat beli emas 100g....hehehehe....
dapat pasif income pastu buat tambah pasif income lain pulak.....bijak-bijak...

tahukah anda....pendapatan yang sekecil 7.5% ni la di jamin oleh kerajaan dan selamat....nak lagi berisiko...banyakkk pelaburan di luar sana....hehehee....(baik tak payah)

Tapi...kalau simpan emas????

kenaikan adalah melebihi.27% (harga di cerap dari 21 dec 2009 - 22 dec 2010)

Harga 22 Disember 2010 =USD1385.20
Harga 21 Disember 2009 =USD1090.20

kenaikan 27% bagi tahun 2010......tolak inflasi 4%...cukai 1.5%....zakat 2.5%.......bersih 19%
ada emas 1kilogram? hehehehe belum pulangan pada sesiapa yang simpan ASB..pastu buat OD...pastu guna buat beli emas....:)


PDF Cetak Emel


Ada diantara pelabur yang mempunyai portfolio yang tinggi mempunyai asset kewangan yang tersendiri sejak turun temurun terutama pelaburan saham dan bon. Sebab utama pelaburan ini untuk mempertahankan dan mengawal sekiranya disalahgunakan pihak tertentu.
Dalam kontek portfolio pembangunan, pelaburan dilihat sebagai satu keperluan yang tidak mempunyai risiko yang tinggi berbanding asset dan ianya mempunyai pulangan dan tabungan pada setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan. Pada setiap definasinya, pelaburan mampu mengelak kerugian yang besar malah mampu mengubah keuntungan.


Definasi sebenar

Kunci definasi dalam bentuk pelaburan berkait rapat antara satu sama lain kerana setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan berhubung rapat berbeza dengan konteks pelaburan saham dan bom dimana setiap pelabur perlu mencari pelabur untuk menjual pasaran barangan yang ada sama ada mampu mencatatkan keuntungan atau sebaliknya.


Definasi untuk mengurangkan risiko

Ramai pelabur beranggapan bahawa setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan tidak lari dari menghadapi satu-satu risiko termasuk pembelian saham atau bon namun dengan pelaburan ini kesan risiko dalam pelaburan emas adalah kecil dan rendah. Setiap urusniaga yang dilakukan tercatat bagi mengelak sebarang kesan yang berlaku.


I. Emas – Harga Simpanan

Sebab utama pelabur melihat pelaburan emas yang mempuyai kelas yang tersendiri kerana ianya sentiasa bertahan pada harganya tidak mudah kerugian pada harganya biarpun menghadapi situasi pasaran. Melalui petikan pakar ekonomi, Stephen Harmston dari Penasihat Bannock dalam laporan Kewangan Emas Sedunia 1998 memetik.
“…Sekiranya terhadap kesan pada harga pasaran, harga pasaran emas tidak akan berubah dalam tempoh masa yang lama seperti mana yang berlaku terhadap pasaran komuniti yang sentiasa berubah-rubah dan pada dasarnya pasaran emas sudah membuktikan keberkesanan pada harga kawalan dan ianya adalah lebih selamat pada ekonomi dan mampu mengelak berlaku inflasi dan mengawal ekonomi semasa. Dalam tempoh masa yang panjang, ekuti saham mampu mengugat pertukaran pasaran saham asing sekaligus hubungan antara pasaran saham akan berubah tetapi tidak pada pelaburan emas kerana dalam tempoh bertahan itu mampu mencatatkan keuntungan yang berharga.”


II. Emas – Portfolio dalam Inflasi Sifar

Antara kesan utama adalah untuk mempertahankan pasaran dalam sektor kewangan terhadap asset yang didagangkan dan emas dilihat satu pasaran yang cukup ideal bagi mengelak berlaku inflasi.
Definasinya Kunci Pelaburan Emas
Aspek utama dalam perlaburan adalah ianya terkawal dari segi risiko dan mempunyai pulangan yang dijangkakan dan amat kuat setiap kali pelaburan dilakukan terhadap pasaran sedia ada.
Memperkenalkan kelas yang tersendiri dan setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan mempunyai asst dalam komoditi kerana pencaturannya amat berbeza dalam setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan kerana ianya berfungsi secara lebih radikal dan selamat.
Sebab pembelajaran yang tersendiri menunjukkan teknik definasi secara tradisional  termasuk pembelian saham dan bon menunjukkan kerugianv dan ada sedikit keuntungan pada setiap kali ianya didagangkan dipasaran. Biarpun membuat pelaburan yang kecil dalam urusniaga emas namun keuntungan yang dicatakan agak memberangsangkan.

6 Sebab utama mengapa perlu melabur emas.
  1. Mampu mengawal inflasi.
  2. Mampu mengawal pegedaran matawang dolar.
  3. Selamat setiap masa dalam pasaran semasa.
  4. Sebagai pasaran komoditi ianya adalah pasaran yang bagus dan baik kerana mempunyai pulangan yang tinggi.
  5. Penyimpan nilai.
  6. Portfolio dalam mengelak berlaku inflasi. 


III. Menutup berlakunya Inflasi

Pelaburan emas dirangka untuk menutup berlakunya inflasi kerana tahap konsistennya diperakui berkesan kerana harganya sentiasa naik kerana harga emas tidak memberi sebarang kesan sampingan sejak perang dunia musim kedua dan kesan inflasi di Amerika Syarikat untuk tempoh lima tahun turut menunjukkan kenaikkan pada 1946, 1974, 1975, 1979, dan 1980. Dalam tempoh masa itu, stok pulangan antara 12.33%; pada pulangan asal emas adalah 130.4%.
Hari ini, bilangan factor untuk mewujudkan perbezaan amat banyak sekali termasuk polisi pelaburan, pemotongan cukai, tempoh masa yang panjang untuk mengesahkanya termasuk memotong harga pasaran minyak dunia.

Minyak, Inflasi dan Emas 
Harga pasaran minyak dan emas tidak sama antara satu sama lain hinggakan boleh menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai harga pasaran minyak mampu memberi kesan terhadap harga emas kerana harga minyak sentiasa ada yang naik dan turun.

Disini ada dua perbezaan kenaikkan harga pasaran emas yang berlaku pada1968. Kenaikkan harga pada 1972 dan 1974  turut melonjakkan kenaikkan sehingga 325%, antara US$2.44 kepada US$10.36. 
Dalam tempoh masa itu juga, harga emas turut turun sehingga 268% (pada suku tahun)(on a quarterly antara US$47.45 kepada US$174.76. 
Kenaikkan kedua pada harga berlaku pada 1978 dan 1980, apabila harga minyak naik sehingga 105%, dari US$12.70 ke US$26.00. dan masa yang sama, harga emas turut naik 254% dari  US$178.33 ke US$631.40.


IV. Emas – antara pertukaran dollar

Emas dibeli dan dijual pada harga pasaran US, jadi tiada sebarang pertikaian mengenai harga berlaku sama ada naik atau sebaliknya.Matawang US Dollar adalah matawang yang kekal dan kenaikkan tidak begitu ketara dan ianya baik untuk simpanan dan pertukarannya boleh membuat perkiraan urusniaga komoditi. 


V. Emas adalah selamat

Berdasarkan fakta bahawa Amerika Syarikat menggunakannya sebagai krisis komoditi dalam menggunakan sebagai pengawalan kuasa namun ia tidak memberi kesan yang kuat pada pasaran dunia termasuk memberi kesan pada pelabur pada satu-satu peringkat. Antara sebab utama adalah pada pasara emas tidak memberi kesan yang kuat namun begitu jika dilihat pada sistem perbankan agak ketara kesannya jika berlaku kesan ekonomi. Dan diharapkan dan juga amat penting pada pasaran dunia apabila kegagalan ekonomi global akan menjejaskan ekonomi dunia namun pelaburan emas masih lagi selamat.


VI. EMAS – bekalan dan pemintaan

Pertama, pemintaan agak ketara dan produkti emas sentiasa berubah, perak juga berubah dan secara puratanya ianya sentiasa berubah-ubah biarpun agak teruk untuk membuka pengurusan baru berasaskan pertukaran namun ianya dapat diselesaikan dalam satu tempoh masa yang cukup singkat seperti pengeluaran emas di Afrika Selatan sebagai pengeluar emas terbesar di dunia mencatatkan kejatuhan pada peringkat paling rendah pada 1931 dan kemudian terus tutup sehingga melantik Harmony Gold Mining Co dan berlaku kenaikkan pada harga emas setiap tahun selama 16 tahun lamanya.
Pemintaan yang meningkat terutama di China, India dimana India mencatatkan pengunaan emas yang paling banyak di dunia dan China mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam sejarah ekonomi paling moden dan kedua-dua negara melakukan liberalisasikan pada undang-undang untuk mengimport dan menjual emas.
China mengajar sesuatu yang baru dalam industri termasuk kenaikan ekonomi sehingga 9 % setahun dan akan menjadi negara kedua terbesar di dunia pada 2020 dibelakang Amerika Syarikat. Tahun lalu, Amerika Syarikat membelanjakan  $162 billion lebihan dari barangan China berbanding barangan yang dibelanjakan China terhadap produk Amerika Syarikat dan perbezaan antara 25 % setiap tahun.
Terakhir dikemaskini ( 11 May 2010 )



Sabda Rasulullah saw " Akan Tiba Suatu Zaman di Mana Tiada Apa Yang Bernilai Dan Boleh Digunakan Oleh Ummat Manusia. Maka Simpanlah Dinar dan Dirham"- Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal.

" Allah Jadikan Dua Logam Yang Bernilai ( Emas dan Perak) Sebagai Pengukur Kepada Barangan Dagangan. Logam Ini Seringkali dijadikan Ukuran Kekayaan Seseorang. Walaupun Adakalanya Barangan Lain Turut Menyimpan Nilai Yang Tersendiri, Akhirnya ia Akan digunakan Untuk Mendapatkan Emas Dan Perak. Barangan Dagangan Lain Terkesan Akibat Turun Naik Pasaran, Sedangkan Emas dan Perak Tidak" - Ibnu Khaldun -

Dinar yang engkau belanjakan di jalan Allah, dinar yang engkau belanjakannya dalam membebaskan hamba. dinar yang engkau sedekahkan kepada orang miskin. dan dinar yang engkau belanjakannya untuk ahli keluarga kamu.
Yang paling besar pahalanya (di sisi Allah) ialah dinar yang kamu belanjakannya untuk (memenuhi keperluan dan membangunkan potensi hidup) ahli keluarga kamu."

"Dan di antara ahli-ahli kitab, ada orang yang kalau engkau amanahkan dia menyimpan sejumlah besar harta sekalipun, dia akan mengembalikannya (dengan sempurna) kepada kamu dan ada pula di antara mereka, yang kalau engkau amanahkan menyimpan hanya satu dinar sahaja pun, dia tidak akan mengembalikannya kepada kamu, kecuali kalau kamu selalu menuntutnya". (Surah Ali Imran : 75)

Hai orang-orang yang beriman,
Bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan tinggalkan sisa riba (yang belum dipungut) jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman. Maka jika kamu tidak mengerjakan (meninggalkan sisa riba) maka ketahuilah bahwa Allah dan Rasulnya akan memerangimu.
Dan jika kamu bertaubat (dari pengambilan riba), maka bagimu pokok hartamu;
kamu tidak menganiaya dan tidak (pula) dianiaya. Dan jika (orang berhutang itu) dalam kesukaran,  maka berilah tangguh sampai dia berkelapangan.
Dan menyedekahkan (sebagian atau semua utang) itu, lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui.Dan peliharalah dirimu dari (azab yang terjadi pada) hari yang pada waktu itu kamu semua dikembalikan kepada Allah. Kemudian masing-masing diri diberi balasan yang sempurna terhadap apa yang telah dikerjakannya, sedang mereka sedikitpun tidak dianiaya. ( Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 278-381)

Bagaimana harga seekor kambing 1400 tahun dahulu ditetapkan pemerintah Khalifah Ummar Al khatab  adalah 1 Dinar.

Kini tahun 2010 harga seekor kambing tetap boleh di beli dengan nilai yang sama iaitu 1 Dinar.

1 Dinar = 4.25gm emas 916(22ct) = RM635.00  

Bebas flactuate. Tiada manipulasi. Bernilai sepanjang zaman